Supporting organisations through Diversity, Equity and Inclusion best practice.

Celebrating diversity in our communities and creating ambassadors for inclusion.


Collaborative Culture is about celebrating our diversity and ensuring equitable and inclusive practices so that everyone belongs.

We support organisations to lead inclusion in workplaces and communities at every step of the way. Our team partners with you and your team building pathways to leverage the power of our different abilities, cultures, and experiences. .


We work with you to develop a tailor-made solution to your needs. We have countless initiatives to support diversity, equity and inclusion in the workplace. The team at Collaborative Culture can assist you to choose the elements required for where you are today for building a better tomorrow.

Many hands together on top of one another

Meet the Team

The team at Collaborative Culture are passionate about diversity, equity and inclusion. We have over 40 years experience, across over 20 sectors in 11 different countries.  

We offer expertise in co-design, transformation, project management, senior leadership, people and culture strategy, and change management. If we are not the right fit for your project, we might know someone who is. 


“Therese has finely honed leadership skills which see her engaging positively with the most skeptical people to create collaborative and high performing teams”

— Andrea M, CEO



Feel free to contact us with any questions.


+61 426 883 720